Municipality of North CowichanEconomic Development CommitteeAGENDAFriday, May 31, 2024 at 1:30 P.m. - 2:30 P.m.Municipal Hall - Large Committee Room1.CALL TO ORDER This meeting will be conducted in-person in the Large Committee Room where the public are invited to attend to observe the meeting.2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Purpose: To consider any items of business not included in the Agenda, that are of an urgent nature, must be introduced and approved at the time the agenda is adopted. Matters must be taken up in the order that they are listed unless changed at this time.Recommendation:That the agenda be adopted as circulated [or as amended].3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.2024-02-23 EDC_minutes.pdfPurpose: To consider if there were any errors or omissions prior to adopting the minutes.Recommendation:That the Committee adopt the minutes of the meeting held February 23, 2024.4.UNFINISHED AND POSTPONED BUSINESS 5.BUSINESS 5.1Cowichan Trail Stewardship Society Purpose: Neil Pukesh, Director, Parks and Recreation, to provide an introductory presentation reminding the Committee of the various Council direction given in relation to reviewing Mt. Richard’s trail sanctioning, to be followed by a presentation from Aggie Weighill, Vancouver Island University, Faculty of Management, on behalf of Cowichan Trails Stewardship Society sharing the results of the Trail User Survey.5.2Economic Development Action Plan – What We Heard Report 1.2023-05-31 RTEDC Action Plan What We Heard Report.pdf2.(1) MNC What We Heard report - Economic Development.pdfPurpose: To review feedback on the engagement conducted to inform the development of the Economic Development Action Plan.Recommendation:This report has been provided for information purposes only.5.3Economic Development Action Plan - Requests to Present Purpose: The following business owners will present to the Economic Development Committee: Sarah Campbell, Craft Cannabis Association of BC Ben Clark, Director, Delphi Group Randal Huber, Chemainus Theatre Heather Young, Under the Oak Farm Alan Hoffman, Skeena Graphics 5.4Update from the Cowichan Valley Regional District 1.2024-05 State of the Economy Report-FINAL.pdf2.2024-05-31 PPT-MNC Ec Dev Committee Mtg.pdfPurpose: Barry O'Riordan from Economic Development Cowichan to provide the Committee with a verbal update on the Economic Development Cowichan Strategic Plan and share the State of the Cowichan Economy Report – Spring 2024.5.5Industrial Lands Servicing Activities Jeff Miller, Senior Manager, Engineering, to provide a verbal update on industrial lands servicing activities.6.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024-02-23 EDC_minutes.pdf1.2024-05 State of the Economy Report-FINAL.pdf2.2024-05-31 PPT-MNC Ec Dev Committee Mtg.pdf1.2023-05-31 RTEDC Action Plan What We Heard Report.pdf2.(1) MNC What We Heard report - Economic Development.pdf