Municipality of North CowichanPublic Hearings AgendaAGENDAWednesday, July 17, 2024 at 7:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.Municipal Hall - Council Chambers & ElectronicallyThis meeting which is open to the public, will be conducted in-person in Council Chambers and by video conference using the Cisco Webex platform, and will be streamed live and archived for viewing on demand at All representations to Council form part of the public record.Members of the public may attend the Municipal Hall [7030 Trans-Canada Highway] in person, or join the meeting electronically to participate during the 'Comments from the public' portions of the public hearing. Please visit for instructions on how to connect online or you may dial 1.844.426.4405, enter 1# for English, enter the meeting ID 2772 543 6260, and then enter the meeting password 1111.1.CALL TO ORDER As soon as there is a quorum present after the time specified for the Council meeting, the Mayor shall call the meeting to order. If there is no quorum of Council present within 30 minutes of the scheduled time for the meeting, the meeting is adjourned until the next scheduled meeting.2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA To consider any items of business not included in the Agenda that are of an urgent nature they must be introduced and approved at the time the agenda is adopted. Matters must be taken up in the order that they are listed unless changed at this time.Recommendation:THAT the agenda be adopted as circulated [or as amended].3.PUBLIC HEARINGS 3.1Public hearing for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3914, 2023 [1771 Robert Street] 1.OCPAmendmentBylawNo.3914andZoningAmendmentBylaw3915 implications.pdf2.Public Hearing Information Package for Bylaws No. 3914 and 3915.pdf3.Written Submissions Package for Bylaws No. 3914 and 3915_Redacted_1.pdf3.1.1Call public hearing to order Mayor Douglas to call first public hearing to order for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3914, 2023 which proposes to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3900, 2022, to include 1771 Robert Street within the Urban Containment Boundary and change the designation from Rural Residential to Residential Neighbourhood.3.1.2Explanation of the public hearing process Mayor Douglas to provide an explanation of the public hearing process and to advise members of the public that no further verbal or written presentations can be received by any member of Council following the closure of the public hearing. Written submissions received between 1:00 p.m. on Friday, July 12, 2024 and the holding of the public hearing will be provided to Council when they are received and are available for review by the public on the municipal website and in the public hearing book located in Council Chambers. Following the close of the public hearing, Council may give the bylaws further consideration.3.1.3Acceptance of petitions and late correspondence The Corporate Officer will advise Council of any petitions accepted during the first part of the Public Hearing and will read aloud any late correspondence received that has not been uploaded to the website and placed in the public hearing book / information package located at the entrance to Council Chambers.3.1.4Introduction of the proposal Staff from the Planning and Building department will present an overview of the proposal to provide the public with an opportunity to hear and comment on the proposal.3.1.5Summary of correspondence The Corporate Officer will provide a summary of the correspondence received and published in the agenda.3.1.6Presentation by proponent The applicant will have an opportunity to present their proposal and respond to any questions for clarification from Council.3.1.7Comments from the public All persons who believe their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws will have an opportunity to be heard or present written submissions respecting matters contained in the bylaws.3.1.8Close of first public hearing Once all members of the public who wish to address Council have had an opportunity to share their views, the Mayor shall call three times for any additional speakers before closing the public hearing for these bylaws.3.2Public hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3915, 2023 [1771 Robert Street] 1.OCPAmendmentBylawNo.3914andZoningAmendmentBylaw3915 implications (2).pdf2.Public Hearing Information Package for Bylaws No. 3914 and 3915(1).pdf3.Written Submissions Package for Bylaws No. 3914 and 3915_Redacted_1(1).pdf3.2.1Call second public hearing to order Mayor Douglas to call the second public hearing to order for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3915, 2023, which proposes to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 2950, 1997, to permit residential development at 1771 Robert Street.3.2.2Explanation of the public hearing process Mayor Douglas to provide an explanation of the public hearing process and to advise members of the public that no further verbal or written presentations can be received by any member of Council following the closure of the public hearing. Written submissions received between 1:00 p.m. on Friday, July 12, 2024 and the holding of the public hearing will be provided to Council when they are received and are available for review by the public on the municipal website and in the public hearing book located in Council Chambers. Following the close of the public hearing, Council may give the bylaws further consideration.3.2.3Acceptance of petitions and late correspondence The Corporate Officer will advise Council of any petitions accepted during the first part of the Public Hearing and will read aloud any late correspondence received that has not been uploaded to the website and placed in the public hearing book / information package located at the entrance to Council Chambers.3.2.4Introduction of the proposal Staff from the Planning and Building department will present an overview of the proposal to provide the public with an opportunity to hear and comment on the proposal.3.2.5Summary of correspondence The Corporate Officer will provide a summary of the correspondence received and published in the agenda.3.2.6Presentation by proponent The applicant will have an opportunity to present their proposal and respond to any questions for clarification from Council.3.2.7Comments from the public All persons who believe their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws will have an opportunity to be heard or present written submissions respecting matters contained in the bylaws.3.2.8Close of second public hearing Once all members of the public who wish to address Council have had an opportunity to share their views, the Mayor shall call three times for any additional speakers before closing the public hearing for these bylaws.4.BYLAWS CONSIDERED AFTER PUBLIC HEARING 4.1Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3914, 2023 for third reading and adoption 1.3914_OCP Amendment Bylaw 3914 (1771 Robert Street) at 2nd reading.pdfPurpose: To consider third reading (and adoption) of Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3914, 2023 which proposes to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3900, 2022, to include 1771 Robert Street within the Urban Containment Boundary and change the designation from Rural Residential to Residential Neighbourhood.4.2Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3915 for third reading 1.3915_Zoning Amendment Bylaw 3915 (1771 Robert Street) at 2nd reading.pdfPurpose: To consider third reading of Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 3915, 2023 which proposes to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 2950, 1997, to permit residential development at 1771 Robert Street. The required covenant to be registered before the bylaw can be considered for adoption.5.ADJOURNMENT Once all the business is done and over with, the Mayor may declare the meeting adjourned without requiring a resolution of Council.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.3914_OCP Amendment Bylaw 3914 (1771 Robert Street) at 2nd reading.pdf1.3915_Zoning Amendment Bylaw 3915 (1771 Robert Street) at 2nd reading.pdf1.OCPAmendmentBylawNo.3914andZoningAmendmentBylaw3915 implications.pdf2.Public Hearing Information Package for Bylaws No. 3914 and 3915.pdf3.Written Submissions Package for Bylaws No. 3914 and 3915_Redacted_1.pdf1.OCPAmendmentBylawNo.3914andZoningAmendmentBylaw3915 implications (2).pdf2.Public Hearing Information Package for Bylaws No. 3914 and 3915(1).pdf3.Written Submissions Package for Bylaws No. 3914 and 3915_Redacted_1(1).pdf